The Mission

Dear Reader,

Chiropractique was originally developed with the intention of stamping out stupidity in the chiropractic profession.  The name is meant to represent chiropractic as a technique itself.  Many technique systems have been developed over the past 100 years, stamped with a name of some chiropractic doctor who thinks his or her way is superior to all other methods, including allopathic medicine.  Unknowing to these select few, their efforts make the profession look amateur and cult-like.  Despite their efforts, a solid majority in the field have followed science as their technique and have made strides in professional identity and development.  Patients around the nation are now reaping the benefits of evidence-based chiropractic care.

In defense of mechanically-based chiropractic medicine, I spearheaded Chiropractique to share the benefits of and ethical nature of such practice.  As a student at the University of Western States, my values for conservative health care have been challenged and my reputation has been put on the line due to the ignorance of a select few.  It was this fight that brought out my reasoning for continuing forward in the rigorous program that goes highly misunderstood in the public.  Choosing against allopathic and osteopathic medicine was a very difficult decision to make prior to matriculating to chiropractic school.  It is my hope to represent this choice and chiropractic medicine ethically and objectively.

To bring clarity to what chiropractic is and what it can be used to overcome, I have shared my experiences going through the doctorate program at Western States.  You will see that I am honest and science-based when it comes to patient care and I am against pseudoscience, which plagues the profession in every State of the nation.

You will also see real results that patients obtain from using chiropractic care.  It is my hope that this blog will eventually create professional worthiness to a profession so incredibly misunderstood.

Enjoy the blog and as always, leave your comments if you like.

Yours in Health,

Nathan Spangler