Thursday, August 25, 2011

Final few weeks...

We 12th quarter students are finishing our last couple weeks of clinic and we are checking out of the school/clinic's system the first and second week of September.

This has been a long journey that has tested every ounce of patience in us and has taken us all to our breaking points several times.  To think only 2 weeks remain between the school world and the real world is a bit overwhelming to think about.

In a sense, when you get to this point, you tend to recollect the good and bad times you have experienced, pretty much daily.  You wonder if the hard times experienced actually happened over the past few years and then reality hits.  I am done!

Too often we let others define what it is we have accomplished versus looking at the path taken and the obstacles overcome.  We downgrade the effort and act as if it didn't really happen.  When in fact, we suffered immensely; mentally, physically and emotionally for nearly 4 straight years to obtain our degree.  This sacrifice has taken us to the doctorate level in our education and we should always remember how incredible this feat actually was.

Many of my friends are packing up and moving home.  Some are living in their cars because the cost of renting is too high in order to plan for no money coming in later this fall.  Others, like myself, are crashing on couches at friends houses or sleeping on futon mattresses to save a little cash.  We want to go home.  Enough struggling, enough hardship.

When it comes down to percentages, not many people pursue higher education simply because it sucks.  It is uncomfortable and demoralizing.  Not many people sign up for things like this and it makes complete sense why - in a practical/present-tense sort of way.  I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I stayed as an auto body technician.  What would it be like today, 15 years later?

The fact is, deciding to become a doctor of any caliber comes with a huge responsibility.  We all know what this responsibility consists of.   The stress that comes with this decision is huge, not only with actually obtaining the degree and licensure but living a new lifestyle that comes with a new social standard.

When I think back to the days of straightening truck frames on the hydraulic frame machine and sanding fenders, my life was pretty low key and simple.  Focus on the job, do my best and get paid for doing good work.  It was simple, concise and an honest life.  Who knew things would elevate to this current level, where each decision has consequences when working with patients and each decision in our personal lives must be weighed.

We all make decisions in life.  It comes down to being good at what we do and providing services rooted in ethics and honesty.  Success comes when we keep it as simple as this.

All for now

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